12 Rules Of Creativity
Contains twelve practical steps that help to stimulate your creativity.
ISBN-13: 978-0953107322
Paperback: 272 pages
Size: 180mm X 120mm
12 Rules Of Creativity is a book of twelve practical steps that help to stimulate your creativity.
Michael Atavar guides you through the basic principles of the creative process – how to begin, developing an original voice and working with creative blocks.
From beginner to famous artist, everyone at some time in their career will become stuck. These twelve rules will help you to navigate the stages of impasse, freeing up the log-jam of ideas.
Packed with tips and insider information, the book represents a useful repository of original ways of thinking – methods that can be applied to any area of creativity.
If you take one thing away from the reading of this book, it should be that creativity, as it manifests within you, is always possible.
12 Rules Of Creativity is the follow-up to Michael Atavar’s best-selling How To Be An Artist.Contents
RULE 1 No Lightning Flash / Marks / Today My Eyes See
RULE 2 The Automatic / Basic Materials
RULE 3 Tuning In / Tent / Interview Yourself
RULE 4 Is That Me? / Lasso
RULE 5 Switch Places / Listening Space / Working With Shadows / Being Here / What’s At The End Of Five
RULE 6 Magnify The Negative / Reduce Your Options / Confucius Says / A4
RULE 7 Be A Receiver / Brick Wall / Leaps In The Mind / 24 Hours
RULE 8 Use Colour
RULE 9 Boredom / Change Your Name / Become Invisible
RULE 10 2CG / From The Floor / Cut-Up
RULE 11 Microphony / Left Hand / Tokyo Subway
RULE 12 Call Out My Name / 16 / Tuning Out / Sleep
/ 12 Rules Of Creativity
Open your eyes. What can you see?
Carry a notepad and pen with you at all times and use it to write about what’s around you – words, illustrations, sentences.
Because they come from you, these observations will necessarily be individual, unique.
Every pair of eyes is tuned to an original way of seeing. Each pair of ears hears different things.
The things that you might write in your notepad are –
• The colour of cars.
• Descriptions of faces on the train.
• Snatches of conversation.
• Sunlight.
• Abandoned furniture.
• LED displays.
• The beeps of mobile phones.
• Sunsets.
Don’t let some elevated idea of what creativity might be dissuade you from recording what you see every day.
Allow yourself to develop a practice of just looking.